2024 Base Fees

We B Kidz is proud to be enrolled in the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care System, which aims to offer families more accessible and exceptional childcare services. As part of this program, the government is currently providing coverage for 52.75% of parents’ fees, making high-quality childcare more affordable for families.
There is a $300 non-refundable registration fee due upon registration. The credit of 52.75% CWELCC funding also applies to the registration fee and will be credited back to the family upon the first payment
Age GroupFull Time Original FeeIncluding 52.75% CWELCC Fee Reduction
Toddler 670 316.58
Preschool 620 292.95

Non-base fee:

  • Late fee: A late fee of $2.00 per minute per child will be charged for arrivals after 6:00 p.m. on the next billing period.
  • NSF Fees: A $50 charge will be applied on any occasion where a payment is missed or there are insufficient funds.
  • Field trips and extracurricular activities may incur additional fees, which will be communicated to parents prior to the activities. Participation will be optional.